Blogging, journalism

Another School Shooting

We’re dealing with another epidemic in our country and our students are not alright.

The sudden surge of guns found on school campuses here in the Midlands and around the country is stoking fears about safety from parents and students.

Sadly, in recent cases the guns are wielded by kids who have somehow gained access to weapons.

Truth be told- the rise in school shootings and threats should be seen as a cry for help.

In some cases, students say they brought guns to school to protect themselves.
Bullying appears to be one of the causes for gun violence in schools.
Experts also suggest mental health is a major cause.

So how do we stop this epidemic?
How do we stop students from gaining access to guns?
How do we stop a child from texting their last words to their parents?
But most importantly, when will we be able to stop informing parents their child is not coming home?

We need to place emphasis on reactive solutions.
We should reduce the chances of this happening rather than sending our thoughts and prayers after the fact.
We need our leaders to address the issues of school gun violence from all angles and work to understand the lasting consequences it has on our children.

Blogging, journalism

Night Crawler

To all my fellow journalists,  have you seen the movie NightCrawler?
While on a flight from Miami to Dallas, I was grateful to be placed on one of the latest designed 757 Boeing planes (thanks American Airlines).  It contains the best features for in flight entertainment.
Anyway,  I decided to watch Night Crawler with (Lou) Jake Gyllenhaal  & Rene Russo (Nina). The movie provides insight about the news business and a intellectual mindset on corporate business.
I’ll try not to be biased.
The first half of was extremely uplifting.  Here you have an ordinary Joe with no skills trying to find a job. After an encounter with a news photog he decides to become a nite-side freelance photographer (night crawler) .
Lou purchases his own camera and police scanner then quickly learns the police lingo.  He receives his first break and sells footage to a local news station director played by ( Russo).
Lou continues to shoot footage for profit and even goes far to hire a clueless intern. The movie only elevates from there. Lou’s video quality, shots,  and determination becomes more excessive and a little disturbing.
When his competition one ups him on a scene and offers him a job, Lewis decides to eliminate his rival. You’ll have to watch to find out what happened.
His biggest break comes when the police scanner reports shots fired in a ritzy area of LA. Lou arrives in time to hear the gun shots and films the suspects flee in their vehicle.  He then  enters the home to discover 3 people shot to death.  What takes place afterwards needs to be viewed.

1. I love the movie because of the journalistic nature.  It also provided tips on delving into your passion and searching for ways to stand out from others.
2. Research your future/invest.  Lou took the time to research police codes, he invested in his future when the checks from the station increased.  People pay good money for great material. Invest in your business. Lou bought a sweet new car and upgraded with his camera equipment.
3. Hone your skill. In one scene Lou explains that he learned how to capture great footage using the different scopes of the camera lens. There is always room and ways to improve. 
4. Understand how to negotiate and possess business skills.
5. Pay respect for those in the field.

1. Lou became unprofessional and used Nina’s weakness as a way to conquer what he wanted.
2. Lou didn’t possess journalism skills. In one scene he actually moved a body to obtain up close footage of a victim.  And this wasn’t the only story he tampered with.
3. Much of what the news director station decided to air was unethical. (Russo) Nina only wanted ratings she was not sensitive to the viewer or the story.
4. Sabotage- Lou viciously eliminated his competition as well as his intern.

This movie has fueled my fire even more to pursue Journalism. Thank You Lord for interceding. Had I not missed my earlier flight I wouldn’t have even watched Night Crawler.


Let It Go

Hello there,

It’s been a month since my last article.   I’m learning to be less stressed about work and life in general.  At this very moment I want OUT of my current position. I’m unappreciated,  under valued,  overworked,  & under payed. I’m looking for a new position in my career field… JOURNALISM!  Know anyone hiring in the Dallas market. 

Some of you may be reading this and thinking “in this day and era you should be lucky to have a job.” Now a few months ago I would have agreed but today “hell no.” Why continue to work for a company where your heart and mind isn’t invested?

I should start a blog titled “Working with Christians”. It can highlight my experiences with the different followers and working with various famous leaders in the Christian realm. However,  I’m not spiteful or am I?

One thing GOD has taught me to do is Let It Go. I can’t play the victim role. I should use 15 minutes to have my emotional fit then move on.  I can’t dwell on my feelings because it’s detrimental to my future and work ethic. 

Here’s to a new position in my career field that pays fairly well and I’ll love every day.

Blogging, Faith, Family, Interviewing, journalism, Prayer, Spiritual Breakthrough, Supernatural, Worship

Chris & Devona ‘ s Testimony

Chris & Devona:

Are you in need of a Spiritual Breakthrough?  Are you tied up in religion and want to experience a new dimension?  Are you hungering for more than just  traditional worship?

Watch as this Christian couple speak about their move with the Supernatural. 
I filmed, interviewed,  and edited this piece.

Contact me for more information.



Consistency that pays off for better or worse. I know many of us seek our time to shine. That one moment where we are jubilant because FINALLY our hard work is receiving the recognition it deserves. Well I’ve experienced this feeling before due to my drive and determination to succeed. Prayerfully I have faith in feeling the same way soon.

I’ve applied to 2 openings with a local news station in hopes of securing at least one of the positions. So how do I get their attention?  LinkedIn and Facebook. .today I’m conducting a search for employees at the station and reach out to one of them. I’m too determined not to fail.

We’ll see how this turns out.  I could be labeled as persistent or a stalker.


Open Doors


Friday morning I woke up early and utilized the time to pray and ask God for guidance and new doors to suddenly open.

Later that day while I waited for a video project to render, I perused for a job. I came across 2 positions that would undoubtedly assist with my future.  The first was for an Apprentice with CBS 11 here in Dallas.  The second position was for a part-time writer with the same station.

I’m dedicating my entire week to apply for both positions.  I really want to score the Apprentice job. I’d be able to work throughout the various departments in the business and create a strong network with new people.

God listens even when you think he doesn’t. There is no doubt I have to shoot to the top and prove my work ethics, honesty,  and commitment.  I’m ready for my NOW season. 

“God’s plan is bigger than your mistakes.”


My First Entry


So this is my first time ever writing a blog. considering the fact that I majored in journalism I’m way behind on the times. However, I am looking forward to sharing my everyday thoughts and opinions. I started this to create an outlet for myself.


Right now I am a single 27 year old black woman, no boyfriend/husband,  no children, & no detrimental life issues. My dream job is to become a news reporter but currently I am way behind on my timeline. According to me, I’m supposed to be reporting by now at a news station but God decided to throw me a lot of curve balls. A part of me feels like I’ve missed my moment somewhere and now I am trying to re-capture and hold on to it.


And I must admit I have been down lately considering all that has been taking place especially in the last year. I’ve been unhappy for quite some time and it is difficult for me to admit it. I’VE never been the person to complain but I find that’s what I seem to be participating in lately.


So right now I feel like I’m on a quest to find a new me or reinvent myself. Who am I? What are my hobbies? What is my purpose? What drives me the most? What challenges me?

And with all these things said it is time for a change one that will benefit me; will make me happy; enlighten me; challenge me; increase me; nourishes me.

“Follow your dreams so that no one else will hire you to build THEIRS.”

